Internship Matching Question & Answers
What does D&D Dietetic Internship Matching do?
The D&D Digital Internship Matching serves as a clearinghouse to help applicants obtain an Internship (supervised practice position) from their rankings and to help Dietetic Internships (DI) obtain applicants from their choices. It eliminates unfair pressures and premature decisions in appointments by internships and acceptance or rejection of appointments by applicants. D&D Digital has provided Dietetic Internship Matching Services to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetics Association) for 30+ years.
Who screens applications and decides which candidates are acceptable to a particular program?
Each DI program screens their own applications and submits to D&D Digital a priority ranking of acceptable applicants and their maximum class size.
DI matching does not change the program's or applicant's selection process. A program will not be matched to an applicant whose name does not appear on the program's priority listing. An applicant will not be matched to a program whose name does not appear on the applicant's priority listing.
Will the applicants or programs know how they have been ranked by the other?
No. All information submitted to D&D Digital is kept confidential. Each applicant is given the final result of their matching. Each program is provided with the names of their matched applicants. Programs and applicants are not told by D&D Digital how they were ranked by each other.
What do I need to do to be considered for an appointment to a Dietetic Internship ?
There are two components. All applicants for a Dietetics Internship must complete both components to participate in DI matching.
1. Most Internships participate in an online Dietetic Internship Centralized Application System (DICAS) to receive your application. Applications to other Internships should be sent to the DI program director or as directed on on the DI program's website. For additional information, contact your Didactic Program Director or the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website
2. Each Applicant must also register for Dietectic Internship matching with D&D Digital to create/edit/verify their prioritized list of Dietetic Internships to participate in the DI match..
Programs that do not participate in the matching process accept applications only from students employed by the sponsoring institution.
Can I apply to both the full-time and part-time option of the same DI program?
Yes. DI programs with both full and part-time options may have two computer matching codes, one for each option. Applicants must apply to and rank both full-time and part-time options to be considered for both options in the matching process.
Is there a limit to the number of programs that one can apply to and rank for computer matching?
No. However, you must submit an application to each program, and rank each program in your Internship Choices for matching at D&D Digital.
What process is used for the matching?
The matching process matches program's highest possible ranked applicants with applicant's highest possible ranked programs until all possible matches are completed. Check on matching overview for additional information.
If I register with D&D Digital for the DI match process, but change my plans, how should this be handled?
Prior to the withdraw deadline, you must notify D&D Digital by email of your decision to withdraw from the matching process. Applicant withdraw deadline dates can be found on the Spring and Fall Timeline links. The matching fee will not be refunded.
Do some applicants receive matches to more than one Dietetic Internship?
No. Applicants are provided one match.
What happens if I do not receive a match?
Dietetic Internships with Openings that chose to have their name released will be posted on D&D Digital website links, beginning on dates shown on links for Spring and Fall Timelines. Applicants who did not match and Dietetic Internship Directors with openings may contact each other. Your Didactic Program Advisor can be helpful in evaluating this information and exploring options.
What does releasing my matching results mean?
Choosing to give permission to D & D Digital to release your matching results means, your name will be included in a list, indicating a match or no match, that is sent to all Dietetic Internship and Didactic Program Directors. If no match occurs, your name, address, email address and college or university where your verification statement was or will be granted will be included on another list that the internship programs with openings receive. If a program has a vacancy they can then make contact with any unmatched applicants.
Should I release my results if I cannot relocate?
Yes. If you do not match and a vacancy occurs in a program in your area, this is the only way Internship Directors and Didactic Program Directors will know of your possible availability.
Can I reorder my DI priority rankings after the registration deadline?
Yes, but only during a specified time period following the registration deadline. However, no additional internships can be added to your list after the registration deadline. Use the Timeline Link to find the beginning and ending dates to reorder your priorities.
If I do not receive a match, do my applications and DI rankings automatically move forward to the next Fall or Spring matching period?
No. New applications and DI rankings are required for each Spring and Fall matching period.